Can You Learn To Paint Fast?

When I first started to learn how to paint, I thought I’d pretty much get it right from the beginning since I had an award-winning graphic design back ground. Boy, was I wrong!

In this video I bare my soul and show you the first two paintings I ever did. They are awful! However, I learned a valuable lesson doing these paintings. The results caused me to re-evaluate my approach to learning how to paint.

What I learned is that there are no real shortcuts to learning a significant skill like oil painting. You have to dive in and start at the beginning and build on the basics as you go. Perhaps - if one could call it a shortcut - constant practice and learning is the fastest way to a masterpiece. And while you are at it, why not enjoy the process of learning?

PS - If you like this video, I have several more on YouTube. Why not subscribe to my YouTube channel today?

Carl Olson

Artist, photographer, filmmaker, and podcaster.

Plein Air Painting With True Grit in Beautiful Colorado!


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