Painting Billy Jack in Acrylics - Like Artist John Nieto

When I first started painting - I chose to paint in acrylics. I loved painting in Big, Bold, Electric Colors! I was a modern day amateur fauvist - an artist who paints expressively with vivid, unnatural colors. My inspiration to paint like that, came from artist John Nieto. Sadly, I just learned he passed away at the age of 81.

Reflecting on his work, I decided to return to my roots as a beginning painter, and create a new contemporary painting of Billy Jack - inspired by Nieto’s style. It was a lot harder to do than I thought!

I still prefer to paint in oil paint, but sometimes I like the speed and fun of painting with acrylics. I'll keep them in my artist's toolbox.

Artist John Nieto

Musician Patrick O'Hearn

Carl Olson

Artist, photographer, filmmaker, and podcaster.

Huge Art Book Haul - Books About Watercolor, Acrylic, and Oil Painting


The Sienna Pochade Box - Two Years Later